Classification of varieties of prostatitis

Acute or chronic prostatitis affects nearly half of men of working age. Bacteria, congestion, stones are diagnosed more often at older ages. Infections cause diseases in the young part of the male population. Therapy is long, complex, does not always give complete recovery. Therefore, it is important to contact a urologist in the early stages of symptom identification for rapid recovery.

pain in a man with prostatitis

Etiology of prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate is called prostatitis. Men of working age suffer from the disease. It depends on the causes, the presence of aggravating factors, the patient's lifestyle. There are different types of prostatitis. Often the disease contributes to the development of other prostate problems. Among them are tumors.

Benign processes provoke the development of an adenoma. Evil ones lead to cancer. Tumors tend to develop in older men.

Ascending infection refers to the predominant causes of disease onset. The harmful agent from the urinary canal reaches the prostate. There it has a detrimental effect on the tissue of the organ. This type of inflammation is called nonspecific.

This scenario of the development of the disease is typical for the spread of strangers and its own microflora. The bacteria itself causes inflammation under certain conditions. This can occur with reduced protective function due to hypothermia, a concomitant disease. A focus of chronic infection plays an important role - caries, tonsillitis. Prostatitis of a non-specific nature makes up the majority of problems that occur in the prostate.

The following pathogens cause non-specific infectious inflammations:

  • virus;
  • gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria;
  • gardnerella - small sticks;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas.

Nonspecific infectious prostatitis may appear as a result of infection of the patient after sexual contact. There is also a way for a foreign agent to penetrate from purulent foci of the skin, mucous membranes and other sources of infection, for example, tonsillitis.

The causes of inflammatory processes in the prostate can be congestive (stagnant) phenomena. Venous or secretory stasis in the gland is possible in some situations. Provoking factors include reduced or excessive sexual activity, prolonged abstinence, frequent interrupted sexual intercourse, addiction to nicotine and alcohol.

Men often ignore the initial manifestations of the inflammatory process. Postponing a visit to the doctor is dangerous. It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle, to treat comorbidities in a timely manner and to get rid of sources of infections. Chronic prostatitis is often caused by several pathogens.

Risk factors

The possibility of prostate problems increases if there is a history of infectious diseases, as well as conditions accompanied by stagnation. Hypothermia and reduced immunity also affect. Factors contributing to the development of prostatitis:

  • not the right rhythm of sexual activity;
  • hypothermia (frequent or occasional);
  • inert way of life, work that requires sitting for a long time;
  • frequent constipation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • perineal injury;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • chronic pathologies or foci of infection (cholecystitis, caries, tonsillitis);
  • nervous stress, depression;
  • frequent colds.

With constant intoxication after the use of nicotine, alcohol, drugs, the risk of developing the disease increases. All of the above causes contribute to the appearance of pathology, enhancing the latent inflammatory process in the prostate.

The main role in the development of the disease is played by the phenomena of stagnation. Problems with blood circulation in the capillaries cause metabolic disorders. The addition of specific and non-specific flora against the background of the described situations is the most common cause of prostatitis.

Classification of types and forms

Currently, there are many classifications of prostatitis. This includes process definitions by frequency of occurrence, cause of occurrence, route of infection. Let's dwell on the simplest and most popular varieties from a practical point of view. Depending on the etiology, prostatitis is:

  • bacterial;
  • infectious;
  • calculator;
  • stagnant;
  • purulent.

Flow form:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Statistical data indicate that more often the pathology is provoked by causes of a non-bacterial nature. There is also a significant rejuvenation of the disease. Previously, this was considered a problem for older men. Today, more and more young patients suffer from prostatitis.

Acute prostatitis

It happens quickly, the symptoms develop actively, quickly. Usually the process is infectious, provoked by harmful agents - bacteria, fungi, protozoa. A common cause can be Escherichia coli, enterococci, Proteus and others. Many microorganisms are part of their own flora. Under conditions of reduced immune response, they become pathogenic and damage the prostate.

The presence of sources of infection - caries, tonsillitis, chronic pathological processes increases the likelihood of the disease. Men determine their disease almost immediately. There are symptoms of general intoxication.

Pain expressed in the perineum, groin, radiating to the anus, lower back. Possible pain during defecation, myalgia. The urine comes out with difficulty, the urge to empty the bladder is frequent, with delays. Patients note a worsening of erection, ejaculation. There is pus in the urine and secretions, usually when the disease is neglected.

Chronic prostatitis

The disease can be caused by various reasons: the phenomena of stagnation, the penetration of microbes, age-related changes. Often the prostate is attacked by its own immune system after absolute healing. This is possible if the patient is under stress, has suffered a prostate injury and is often hypothermic.

Moreover, chronicity is due to an untreated acute process. May be asymptomatic. In this case, there is inflammation, but the pathogenic flora does not reveal itself.

The disease manifests itself less pronounced than in the acute course. Patients note some problems with urination against the background of discomfort. There may be a decrease in sexual activity, weakness appears, sometimes there is pain in the groin, a burning sensation.

Periods of exacerbation are characterized by symptoms of an acute process.

bacterial prostatitis

This type of inflammation is acute and chronic. It is caused by various pathogenic organisms. Symptoms as in acute course. After the examination, changes in the fluid media are detected, on this basis a diagnosis is established.

This disease is more common in young people. Contributing to its development is a decrease in the immune response, the influence of external factors - stress, frequent drinking, cooling, weak motor mode. Infectious foci and chronic pathologies of the body, surgeries are also important.

In an acute course, patients note symptoms of intoxication - chills, weakness, hyperthermia, myalgia. Painful sensations from the perineum, anus and genitals occur locally. Problems with urination, worsening of erection are also expressed. In the blood, the secreted fluids change their characteristics.

In its chronic course, the symptoms are not so obvious. Exacerbation is manifested by signs of acute course.

Infectious prostatitis

Inflammatory process of the gland caused by foreign microbes. There are acute and chronic. Symptoms and evolution resemble a type of bacterial pathology. This disease is distinguished by the fact that it is caused by protozoa, fungal pathogens. Among other types of the disease, it is rare, mainly in young patients. The reasons are common factors and the penetration of pathogens into the gland from the foci of infection.

Calculous prostatitis

The inflammatory process develops due to the presence of stones. A very rare form, it almost always occurs in elderly patients. Appears after chronic untreated inflammation. Stones can be of endogenous and exogenous origin.

The first appear due to stagnation in the body. They are small and may not appear. They are rarely detected, since there are no painful sensations.

These are similar in composition to those found in the bladder and kidneys. Formed due to chronic inflammation of the gland or adenoma. Usually they give a pronounced pain syndrome. Localization of sensations - sacrum, lower back, small pelvis. After sex, moving, walking, the pain intensifies. The ejaculate may contain a few drops of blood. Other symptoms of the disease are also expressed - irritability, worsening erection, problems with emptying the bladder.

congestive prostatitis

Refers to the chronic form. Its appearance is provoked by the stagnation of the secretion of an organ or blood in the small pelvis. Development goes unnoticed. Symptoms are mild:

  • urination disorders;
  • general intoxication;
  • discomfort, pain in the perineum, groin, scrotum;
  • decreased sperm quality, orgasm;

There are no specific changes in excreted fluids. There are infectious and non-infectious. Symptoms such as weakness, depression are possible.

Purulent prostatitis

Severe form of the acute course of the infectious process. Diagnosis is based on the main symptom - the appearance of pus from the duct. Works at high temperatures. Its varieties:

  • catarrhal;
  • follicular;
  • parenchymal;
  • abscess.

Occurs against the background of influenza, tonsillitis, SARS, weakened immunity. These types differ in the severity of the flow. A different amount of pus is released.

Differential diagnosis

All types and forms of prostatitis require medical examination, laboratory diagnostics. The clinic depends on the characteristics of the course. Be sure to test excreted fluids for the presence of PSA antigen (a disease-specific protein). An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

The test for pathogens, sexually transmitted, allows you to differentiate the bacterial or infectious process. Congestive is diagnosed according to the results of a study of the veins of the small pelvis. The calculation is determined by evaluating the general condition of the patient, the data of palpation of the organ, urine and blood tests.

Features of treatment depending on the type and stage of the disease

Acute prostatitis is treated in a hospital. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, substances that reduce swelling and improve urine flow, immunomodulators, therapeutic microclysters and physiotherapy are prescribed. It is recommended to use medicinal suppositories. In chronic processes, prostate massage is added. With a calculous disease, massage is prohibited, surgical treatment is possible.

Consequences and prevention

All types and forms of prostatitis require urgent diagnosis and appropriate treatment. It is difficult to cure a chronic process, so it is important not to trigger an acute one. Under the influence of inflammation, iron changes irreversibly. This leads to infertility, impotence, abscess, formation of stones and tumors in the organ.

Prevention involves the right way of life, sports, regular sexual relations, the exclusion of promiscuity.